Monday, June 27, 2005


I was pondering in the kitchen, when i opened the pantry door and saw a few packets of jelly staring at me. so i grab the banana flavour and start to prepare. i open the fridge and carefully go to place it on the shelf. the stupid fridge door was swinging, and i thought "be careful, you dont want to spill it." So what happens! the door caught my hand and liquid jelly went everywhere. I mean all over the shelves, on the floor, on the bottles of chutney, cans of drink, milk, and other sauces in their jars.bloody hell! it took ages to clean up. i had to pull the shelves apart, clean the jars etc, and mop the floor twice as it was so sticky! it wasnt my fault. it was the fridges fault....

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Couch Potato

This evening i lay on the couch with a blanket watching minority report. Keith decides he wants to join me. He says ,"Can i sit down?" I say "sure, but my legs will be on your lap." he said "thats ok."
Anyway i got a bout of the stupids. I started to jitter my feet. Then i started to jitter them more as though i was having a seizure. Keith was trying to be still and compose himself through laughter. I then said,"Im not annoying am i, im not annoying am i, Im not annoying am I?" My sides were hurting. I was cracking up at my own humor. All keith could do was laugh and look at me strangely. Then i said "You have foot duties!" "WTF?" he says...So i repeat my self.."YOU HAVE FOOT DUTIES. C'MON!" Omg, it was sooooo funny.He did end up giving me a foot massage. Thanx keith, you get brownie points for doing your good deed for the day...LOL

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Ive been tagged. Thanx Nic. Here goes.

1) Painting my new bike brown and throwing grass seeds on it.

2)Showing off in front of my friends on a skate board. Only to go flying in the air and getting concussion.

3)Going to grandma's house for sleep overs and to be spoilt rotten. ( She made the best honey comb!)

4)Driving to queensland with the family and playing "I spy."

5)Cutting my hair! I wanted a spiky fringe. I cut the whole thing off and ended up looking like a carrot. ( It was not a good look. I had to put up with it until my fringe grew)

Friday, June 24, 2005


Its dark and cold. I lay here clutching onto my wheat pack to keep warm. I am thinking. I cant sleep. So many thoughts of people, issues and stressors. The clock is ticking. I observe to see the time. Its 2am. jesus Ange go to sleep! i lay there warm and comfy, and begin to drift off to sleepy land. I awake suddenly to hear the sound of breaking glass! Its so quiet, the sound was deafening. I didnt get up. I listen and hear the sound of something moving on the tiles outside my bedroom. WTF is that! It continues. i yell out "MOLLY." I try to waver this off, but the rolling of glass continues.Far out! Im going to have to get up.
Here i am on a friday morning at 3am, standing in the hallway looking at a broken glass on the tiles, and one hundred marbles rolling here and there. Mr molly(my cat) is ecstatic. chassing little glass balls and tapping them with his furry paws. I decide to leave the the mess that he has created and return to my sleepy hollow. All i hear is him playing with the marbles on the tiles! Its now 3-30am. So, up i get again!! I decide to clean up the mess as my house mate will be up early and, will probably go arse over tit on the marbles. Im not a nurse today. Its my day off!!!!
I had a an attractive glass filled with marbles on a shelf. i presume my mischievious moggy had a burst of energy and wanted to play. I was chessed off. This glass was given to me to me as a 21st present off a long lost friend. Its now gone! shattered....theres nothing to do but throw the glass fragments away. In the bin they go!
Finally i get a rested sleep.I get up, i chat to a few friends on the phone, make an appointment for the hairdrssers and, the beautician. The new couch is comming early next week! YAY. And i have a buyer for my old couch. Nicky, my surrogate sister(who i wish was a full blooded related sister) is well and has made amends with me after an intense misundersatanding. phew!!!(Love ya babe!!). I clean and wash. Gotta love domestic duties. NOT....
Dinner tonight consisted of butter chicken,rice, and nann garlic bread. DELICIOUS. Yum Yum!!!
Out comes the bourbon and coke. I tell my self, "only one or two drinks. You have to rid yourself of that spare tyre your carrying around." well, drink 4. I pour the bourbon, open the fridge, get out the MILK and , mix. AAARGH! Wake up Ange..HEllo!!!! bourbon and milk! NO. i tip that down the sink and start again. Keith has a chuckle and looks at me strangely....Maybe im mental? LOL...
What a day! Also im headache free. NO visit necessary to the quack. I feel good. On top of the world!
This week has been onimous. All is good now. I am good......yippeeeeeee

Mr molly in the bathroom sink. LOL

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Aaargh! i have had 4 panadeine forte and four panadol today, and my headaches continue to persist. WTF is wrong with me? I recall about 6-7 days ago hitting my head on acupboard at work that bought me to tears. It cant be that? its now day 3 of unbearable headaches. if they havnt gone in two more days, i think a visit to the doctors wouldnt go astray. maybe its woman hood(if you get the jist), or a bout of stress! Alot is going; family dramas, frantic shifts at work or everyday things that are bothering not a hyperchondriac. This head of mine is giving me hell!!!! i hope its gone tomorrow.......
one thing i have to say about me is that:
1) i am a good person
2)i will not traduce one that is close to me
3)i will not hide issues from the ones that i love
4) i will be straightforward /candid
5)i will not keep secrets from the ones that mean the world to me.
Im on a bit of a downer...feeling sorry for myself. i will get over it. tomorrows another day.(headaches go away PLEASE.......)

Monday, June 20, 2005

old age is cruel

i recently nursed a patient whos bowel decided to prolapse on me. i didnt know what to do! i have never in my nusing career seen any thing like it. i can only describe it as being the size of a mango but redish pink in colour.i called out for help. one of the nurses on the ward came up to see what the problem was. i told her i think mrs m's bowel has prolapsed. she replied with "that happends to her all the time." so she informed me that it had to be pushed back gently with ky jelly. no way was going to do something ive never done before. so she went and got the ky and gently manipulated her bowel back to where it belongs.the poor bugger! she is deteriorating at the age of 80. i must mention my nan is deteriorating and continues to play on the family. she claims that the home she is in is terrible. eg; no one bothers with her, there's nothing to do, they are all bitches and, they hate her puppy.unfortunately my mum listens to her. so some action was taken. she went and spoke to the staff and told them what she has said. all have said its not true! my nan gets involved with all the activities and there is always something to one bitches and the dog is not a problem.its her dementia. shes craves attention from her family.
nan says she wants to go home.this hurts mum. she feels like shes being mean.however, mum has been told by the drs and the nursing staff that dot is not competant to live alone. its too dangerous! her dementia is advancing. time im sure will eventually put my mums mind at ease. my nan has been in the home for about 10 weeks now. its far too early for her to have settled comfortably...

Saturday, June 18, 2005

You can pick your friends but you cant choose your family?

The pot has been stirred, bubbling, boiling and overflowed. The feud has begun between my parents and my sister. I had my outburst christmas day 2004 and, i havnt seen her since or spoken.
Her and i are two totally DIFFERENT people. No matter how hard i try and mend the differences, put in the effort to have a sister and be close, nothing comes to fruition. She has had hard times in the past battling severe depression, including post natal depresion. We ( mum , dad and i) have been there for her and assisted where necessary. She for some reason walks over the family. "Others have always come first," not her own flesh and blood.
My father is ropable at the present time with her behaviour. She thinks there is a reason for the way she is and is looking for answers. Her search is leaning toward her upbringing. I know for a fact that my parents worked hard to provide disclipline, good education, entertainment(family outings), and holidys. I cant fault them! I too have run into trouble in the past. And guess who were there for me for support and for a time in need? My wonderful loving parents.No one is perfect in this world. Not even me. But give me a break! When your depresed and down in the dumps, why ignore your family and treat them like shit! well, even if your not depressed why portray this behaviour?
I remember clear as daylight when her son was being christened, she ignored me, my mother and father. Not even a hello or a goodbye.That upset me. I recall being in tears. I presume my parents feelings were hurt that day.
There is sooo much i could include in my blog entry, but i wont as this will end up being a bulky novel!
On discussion recently with my father, he told me that he was treated like shit at her wedding. He hasnt forgotten that. I cant comment as i did not attend(thats another story). Now this is what i suppose that disturbed me. what he then said about his eldest daughter."I lost a daughter years ago." I was shocked to hear this, but on the other hand it didnt surprise me. To hear my own father say this to my face made me realise the pain and suffering that my sister has caused.
I was a little weary about writing this as its a very personal topic. However, i wanted to get it off my chest as im feeling a little sad. Right now im thinking of how jelous i feel when i hear of friends telling me about outings or visits with their brothers or sisters. I have never had that. well, maybe once or twice. In the two years that i have been living in this house she has been here once. And when i lived in a unit by myself for 18 months, threre was not one visit. Its always been me going out of my way to travel 40 minutes one way to her house!
ARGH. I better stop now as im getting worked up.......
One thing i have to say is that i Love my "surrogate sister," you know who you are. And i mean what i write.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

standard of perfection; show cats.

OMG! And i thought i was too cat crazy. i watched this show on channel 2 all about cat owners in the US. All i have to say is that it was way over the top! These ppl who dote over there moggies really have crossed the line. One owner had her cat in " Stud Pants." C'mon give me a break. The poor thing had these pants on with a womans sanitary pad. It wasnt neuted and could possibly spray. I was in absolute hysterics.
Now i love my cat, but not in a million years would i go this far. Another owner even had a special room full of toys,scratch poles and, tunnels known as the honeymoon suite(the fuck room i say). As the room suggests, its a place where the moggies would get funky and reproduce. Then once these kittens were born and grown up, they went through the tourture of being involved in a very intense cat show. The show had ppl emotional,crying and dissapointed as their cat hadnt got a prize. ok, having a passion for animals is understandable, but please dont dress the cat up in "STUD PANTS." hahahahahahahaahahahahaha..... cat shows are entertaining. i kind of see it as a sport. its intense competition. However you can only take some things so far in life.....

Friday, June 10, 2005


I feel so lucky to have your love.......

Once in a life time
you find someone who touches not only your heart,
but also your soul.

Once in a life time,
you discover someone who stands besides you,
not over you.

You find someone who loves you for who you are,
and not for who you could be.

Once in a life time
if your lucky,
you find someone.......
as i have found you.

(maybe one day i will be able to write this poem for "The one i love.")

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Musical Beds

when i stayed at my friends house recently, her son awoke as he had wet the bed. so my friend sent him to go and sleep in her bed. meanwhile her and i stayed up to watch a movie. then we said our good nights to one and other and went to bed. i awoke at 5-30 to find her son in my bed. he said mummys gone into his sisters bed and im all alone. so he stayed wit me.
a few hours later i awoke to hear him laughing. i knew something had happened. he said ange "guess what?" and i said " what?" as i said that i moved my leg over the other side of the bed. and guess what? he had wet the bed that i was sleeping in! it was 7am and i thought i cant sleep in a wet bed. so i went into my friends bed. she was still asleep with her daughter. she then came into her room to find me in her bed. she said " god, what are you doing here?" i told her that her son had wet the bed, so i came in here. she said thats fine. so i went off to sleepy land for a few hours.....
when i look back i find this hence the reasoning behind my entry.

Monday, June 06, 2005


i am not well! i just called work and told them i wont be in tomorrow. i have the dreaded lurgy! my head is fuzzy, my nose is stuffy and, my throat feels like its been massaged with sandpaper. ewwwww. ouch! poor me. god i feel like crapola. my house mate was kind enough to go and buy me some lemsip sachets and some soothers. he even made the bestest pizzas! well there aint anything wrong with my appetite while im feeling unwell/crappy. damn! if i didnt have an appetite, then i would lose some weight. maybe tomorrow i feel worse? (joke darlinks. funny ha ha)

Thursday, June 02, 2005

spending $$$

i have bought a new couch. its a 3 seater and 2 recliners in the colour raisin. i get it in 3 weeks. i cant wait to go out with the old and in with the new. its all very exciting for me. i also spent my $50 voucher at myer. i purchased some new skin care from estee lauder. its one of the best products ive used for my skin....i love spending. it makes me feel good....