Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Universe.

Nixie has said, "The Universe has delivered dearest Angela.... Stand by for some more Karmic plusses!!!!! ;-)."

I do wonder, really. I mean who wins lotto twice in one week($21 then $26), goes for a job interview, gets the job, then declines the job as wages are below standard and, my job that iv'e been at for almost 5yrs brings in the policy for me to utilise my skills! Hmmmmmmmm.
And i have lost 4kg in 4 weeks via my weight loss programme.I Still have 9kg to go. The brisk walking has become a regular routine for me.
Is it just coincidence? Maybe nix is right with this universe stuff? Alot of things have been happening since my nan passed away.
(R.H, Icant wait for your comment to this one!)
All i have left to achieve as part of my goals for 2006 is to kick my habit of Smoking, get involved in an activity of some kind to meet new people and form frienships, maintain my weight and, to meet the love of my life. *sigh*

I ask, is it true that "Good things come to those who wait???"

Check out my Horoscope above...


Blogger R.H. said...

Good things really do come to those who wait.
Yes indeed. But I'm still waiting for you to send me that $21. And now that you've scored another $26 you may as well send it all in one lump. $47. Yes, so why not make it fifty and be done with it! A nice round figure - a bit like your voluptuous self, Miss Ange.

Worth waiting for? My word yes!
Good things come to those who wait! (If they're still alive when it finally gets there)

Loverboy Robert.

9:16 pm AEDT  
Blogger Fred said...

Yes, kick the smoking habit. Where's my money?

7:01 am AEDT  
Blogger ange said...

RH darling, sorry but iv'e already spent it at savers...LOL

Fred! Money for you??? Hmmmmmmm.
Changing it over to u.s dollars wouldn't be worth it.
As iv'e said i have spent it.....
You guys are greedy buggers.Hehehe
$50 isn't much.
Next time i want to see a few extra zero's.....Dream on Ange

11:52 am AEDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Robert,

Why arent u sharing ur love around????

What about me, It isnt fair, I've had enough now I want my share!!!!

Also, I have nice commenter...i need someone to fight with, get the juices flowing....creative juices that is(rid ur mind of that smut you cad!!)

11:43 pm AEDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

d'oh! I meant **commenters.....

11:44 pm AEDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh mc,

u shady minx you... where have u been hiding ur sexy arse?

5:52 pm AEDT  

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