Monday, January 30, 2006

Good News!

Today at work i told my boss that i wasn't accepting the job that i went for.
She was pleased to hear that as she said i was a valuable member of staff that she doesnt want to lose!(what a nice compliment).
Anyway, she proceded to tell me that the director of nursing from the nursing home job was very ditzy, and that she thought " God Ange is stupid if she goes and works at this place!"
To get to crunch of my story, we had a ward meeting. In the meetng we were told that the protocol is now in place for Division 2 nurses(me) to administer medications! I was so happy. I had a smile from ear to ear. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders as i was stressin. It's been over a year now since i obtained my qualification. All i could do was wait or go for a job elsewhere where i can utilise my skills. The wait is now over!!!!!And i will get a pay increase. Tonight i shall have a toast to myself with a glass of chardy......................................... God i love dots.............LOL


Blogger consise10 said...

Well there`s silver lining after all! What better timing for the new developments at your work to happen. Now, as you said, you can practise what you have trained for.

8:48 pm AEDT  
Blogger Fred said...

Way to go! Glad it worked out.

7:57 am AEDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Universe has delivered dearest Angela.... Stand by for some more Karmic plusses!!!!! ;-)

2:16 am AEDT  

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