Good News!
Today at work i told my boss that i wasn't accepting the job that i went for.
She was pleased to hear that as she said i was a valuable member of staff that she doesnt want to lose!(what a nice compliment).
Anyway, she proceded to tell me that the director of nursing from the nursing home job was very ditzy, and that she thought " God Ange is stupid if she goes and works at this place!"
To get to crunch of my story, we had a ward meeting. In the meetng we were told that the protocol is now in place for Division 2 nurses(me) to administer medications! I was so happy. I had a smile from ear to ear. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders as i was stressin. It's been over a year now since i obtained my qualification. All i could do was wait or go for a job elsewhere where i can utilise my skills. The wait is now over!!!!!And i will get a pay increase. Tonight i shall have a toast to myself with a glass of chardy......................................... God i love dots.............LOL
Well there`s silver lining after all! What better timing for the new developments at your work to happen. Now, as you said, you can practise what you have trained for.
Way to go! Glad it worked out.
The Universe has delivered dearest Angela.... Stand by for some more Karmic plusses!!!!! ;-)
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