Huntsman #2!!!!
What a rude awakening!
I pulled my letters out of the letter box only to discover another furry fiend.
Another HUNTSMAN! Bloody ugly things.
My letters went flying in the air(along with the huntsman)and were scattered on the lawn. Mr Huntsman soon became a flat spider under my shoe.
I hate them.......Please God "No more Huntsmans!"
BTW. Happy Valentines day to those who have a valentine!
That's the second time you've killed my messenger.
My messenger of love.
(Please stop it)
Darling, I had the PT around yesterday arvo for...ahhh, coffee, and he saw a huge huntsman on my kitchen wall. I decided to show off my bravado skills by jumping onto the bench, with mini vac in hand. The suction want great enough and silly me fell off the bench with fright as the spider made a lunge towards me!!
Not only did I embarrass myself by falling of the bench(most ungraciously) but totally blew apart my facade of being a kick-arse female warrior!!!!
Hi Ange, found you on Maysiemae's new blog, followed you here, and found my blog on your Blogland Buddies list. Thank you, that is very sweet. Have we commented on each other's blogs before ??? Sorry if I have forgotten you, but I've surfed through so many blogs lately. I apologise if we have met before, and I have failed to remember. I love your blog ... it is cool. Nice to chat to a fellow Melbournian ... what part are you from ?? Glad you are a kitty lover ... another one, yay !!! I hate big huntsmans, too ... evil critters. Hope to catch up again. Take care, Meow :-)
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