Ok, Nixie has given us 5 reasons why it is better to be a woman than a man. I am going to tell you my 5 neagative reasons;
1) mestruation, PMT, Period pain, thrush, birth controll
2) Childbirth, mastitis (havn't been there yet but have heard all the grousom stories).
3)maintenance.(waxing, shaving, hairdressers, lingere, make-up blah..blah..blah.We are Expensive creatures)
4)Domestic duties. the cook, the cleaner and the maid.
5)The organiser. eg; birthdays (buying the presents), parties, shopping, and the taxi driver.
These are just reasons off the top of my head. But god did create, and i am proud to be a woman. Yes, the things us women deal with are daunting, but me myself personally wouldnt want it any other way.If one is lucky enough, we could be showered with flowers and gifts for no reason at all.
Miss Ange is Woman!!!!!!
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I resent half of that! I am a single Dad after all, so do al lthe cooking, cleaning, organising.... and actually, did most of the cooking before I became a single Dad too!
But, yes, on thw whole, I do think women get the raw end of the deal.... sorry.... :-(
thanx alan. im sure you do a great mr mom.
#6....not being able to pee standing up ;)
Any friend of Blondie is a friend of mine. Nice blog by the way, and thanks for visiting my train wreck of a blog.
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