Saturday, August 13, 2005


If any of you melbournians out there listen to Nova radio station (my favourite), you would have heard huesy and kate talking about confucius. This is what i heard;

confucius says man who walks sideways down down plane is not necessarily going to bangkok

confucius says man who farts in church has to sit in own pew.

confucius says man who pops balloon with a pin is like losing your virginity; one prick and its gone

confucius says man who drops watch in toilet is bound to end up with a shitty time

confucius says man who goes to bed with an itchy bottom wakes up with a smelly finger.

Whats your confucius????? Do tell!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nixie says.....oh hang on a sec... Who is copying whom here???

8:17 pm AEST  
Blogger ange said...

ange not copying,great minds think alike.Thats why you are my SS. xo

8:35 pm AEST  
Blogger ange said...

what would man be doing blair? LOL

10:55 am AEST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didnt mean YOU copying me babe, I meant "AH Confusius"... Even though he is like 4000 years older than me....

8:33 pm AEST  
Blogger ange said...

confucius says; woman who shaves off hair in areas where hair is meant to be is stupid!

1:05 am AEST  
Blogger ange said...


5:18 pm AEST  

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