Wednesday, March 16, 2005


ive got the guilts and feel like a bitch for my own actions of splitting up. im sure i will survive and get over it eventually.its only fresh and not the end of the world.(i keep telling my self this)

Worked today, and i had to take blood off a fellow co-worker as she was exposed to bodily fluids, which splashed into her eye. She was so upset. I would be too. an incident report had to be written, and then a blood sample. i was worried i was going to hurt her, but she said it was fine. she didnt feel a thing. Phewwww!!!!!

I also had to have whats called a mantoux test. this determines if you have been exposed to TB. we had a patient on the ward that had active TB, so all us health care proffessionals needed to be tested. i get the results in 48-72 hours. A small amount of live turbuculin is injected under the skin of your forearm. This forms a small bubble. If it becomes raised within the 72hr period, it means you have been exposed to TB. therefore one then has a blood test and chest x-rays. At present while i look at my arm, theres no reaction. Thank god.

I also recieved some Irish chocolate off one of the nurses who has just been to ireland to visit her family.She has come over to Australia to nurse and travel. maybe even become a permanent resident. So when she was going, i told her to bring me back some european chocolate. As mentioned, she did. OMG, its insanely smooth melt in the mouth. m...mmm...mmmm

While im sitting here typing and drinking my decaffinated coffee(its the best! thanx nic for getting me onto it. its just like the real stuff, and wont keep me awake at night!), im thinking of my life and what will become of me. I chatted to a friend the other day who is most likely going to university next year to study general nursing. Im seriously thinking about doing it with her. Now this is only a thought at the moment. I do tend to chop and change my mind a bit. I kinda want to go and study. To broaden my horizons. As i usually say....."See What Happends"


Blogger R.H. said...

If I could be sweet 32 again I'd definitely go to university. The only thing you have to watch out for is not to get common sense knocked out of you, that's what university does. Then you'd be one of those sunglassed store dummies: posing at pavement tables around the inner suburbs.

7:30 am AEDT  
Blogger ange said...

hmmmmmmm. thinking thinking thinking....

11:54 am AEDT  

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