Worked last night and it was busy! and then again this morning. and guess what? it was busy. the morning started off with a code blue. a young 22yr old female had a respiratory arrest and was rushed off to ICU. so we were all on our toes right from 0700.
My patients werent too bad. i had alot of hygiene to attend to as my patients were from nursing home, hostel and special accomodation units. i didnt have a break until 11am, and boy, was i famished and tired. naughty me had no breaky this morning. 6am is to early for me to ingest food.
i found this a bit humourous. i lent a pen to maxine last night. she then lent it to kristy. kristy then put it on the table and a patient took it. kristy then got my pen back off the patient. then it ended up in the hands of a doctor. he then left it on the nurses desk, so i reclaimed it. kristy saw me using it and said 'hey thats my pen!' i said 'no its not, its mine!' she then said 'ohhh yeah thats right(chuckled to herself), can i use it?' i said,' OK, but i want it back at the end of the shift.'
the shift finished and she was walking a distance away and yelled "hey ange! ive got your pen". i said " argh! i want my pen!!!!!" she yelled back and said ' i will give it to next time i see you.'
i found this incident a little funny. i guess you had to be there!!!
A thousand pens in a thousand hands couldn't list all your charms, cutie!
you charmer! shit hapPENs. hahahaha
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