Monday, March 07, 2005

my nan.

Today i rang my mum with my new mobile camera phone.(v. excited! its my new toy.BOB can gather dust and hide in the wardrobe for a while. LOL. joke...)
Any way she told me my nan is in a terrible state. shes been incontinent of faces, vomitting, is very weak and lethargic.i spoke to her on the phone and she sounds all worn out. the last of my living grandparents has suffered with cancer three times. she is supposedly in remission at the present time.personally i wouldnt be suprised if this is the begining of the end.
My mother explained to me that the pallitive nurse is comming out to review her tomorrow. mum said she is going to push for her to be admitted to hospital. she is dehydrated and isnt eating.not a good combination for an 83yr old woman.
work today was emotionl once again. young woman is still battling. shes holding on.her husband, mother and other family are by her side 24hrs. its just time now. so sad....

i nursed a gentleman today whos 95yrs old from a nursing home with a bowel obstruction. he apparently is that full of faeces he threw it up a few days ago. he now has a naso gastric tube insitu on free drainage draining faecal matter from his stomach!!! i nearlly vomitted when i had to empy the drain bag. WTF am i nurse for. eeeeewwwww....


Blogger R.H. said...

I've never heard of a nursing home having a bowel obstruction.

Maybe it needs someone like Lola Wolf to give it the shits.

4:10 pm AEDT  
Blogger ange said...

ha ha.

10:54 pm AEDT  

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