Monday, March 20, 2006


Today i went to the Drs to get my blood test results. All is good except for one test.MCV(the mean corpuscular volume).It means my red blood cells are bigger than normal. This can indicate a number of things; anaemia, thyroid disorder, liver disease or a blood disorder. So my Dr wants to do another test in 3 months time.She kept on leaning towards my liver as my thyroid, haemmoglobin and liver function test was fine. She was asking if i have taken drugs or have alcohol regularly. Neither do i do, but i binge drink maybe once a fortnight. I did tell her this and know myself its the worst kind of drinking one can do.
I might take one of the girls from work with me to do the blood test as i dont want to be bruised and battered like the last one.

After that appointment i went to a place called molescan to have of course some suspicious moles reviewed. Four of them are going to be scanned again in three months, and they are the one's i was concerened about. He will definately be chopping 3 off and most likely the 4th. That doesn't worry me. Id rather have a few small scars than be diagnosed with malenoma somewhere down the track.
Nothing much else to report.However i'm feeling a bit blue with the neagative blood result, and im pre-mentrual. Not a good mix. And im feeling lonely! I want the man of my dreams to walk into my life and sweep me off my feet.....Wishful thinking..


Blogger Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hey Ange, hope you are feeling a bit more cheery today. If not, sit down and have a good pat and cuddle with your moggie ... sometimes that beats a man anyway !! Take care, Meow

11:06 am AEDT  
Blogger consise10 said...

Im sorry to learn of your test results ange. I`m sending good vibes your way..and a virtual ((((hug))))).

9:53 pm AEDT  
Blogger consise10 said...

Silly stupid me went back over your post and read It over again...and want to add that your results arent 'bad' therefore I take the silly 'sorry' back and send you another virtual
((((( ((((Hug)))) )))))

9:57 pm AEDT  
Blogger ange said...

thanx guys. im ok now....

1:15 am AEDT  

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