Tuesday, January 25, 2005

i hope i dont have to have surgery!

i have recently noticed that on my right hand i have a painful lump on my index finger. it occurred to me approximately 1 week ago. its right at the base of that finger. what the hell is it? i got an oppinion off my uncle who is a doctor of chiroprachtic medicine. he examined my hand and said i have a "ganglion."i researched this on the net and discovered that no one really knows why people get these. its inflammation of tissue which can be aspirated via a local anaesthetic or if necessary can require surgery under general anaesthetic. or they can dissapear. i hope this is the case! i noticed today it was difficult to turn on a tap and take bloodpressures. i really hope i dont have to have surgery and that it just goes away....apart from that SSDD(same shit different day!). i know i was down with my previous blog and have come to the conclusion that im pre-menstral.GRRRRREAT....... gotta love being a female. LOL.


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