Tuesday, May 24, 2005

my backyard was an animal farm!

today i came home from work to find my next door neighbours black floppy eared rabbit on the nature strip, as well as the fluffy white one in my backyard! then my mad cat was chasing it, while my neighbour was calling out to me to shoo it back to her place. in the mean time while i was trying to shoo it, my cat chased it under the fence so it went out the front. the neighbours 2 cats were also in my yard running around while there dog was barking hysterically! my neigbour then went out the front in her p.j's to retrieve the white rabbit. OMG! now when i think about this event that occurred i am having a chuckle.....apart from everything else in my life at present theres not much to report.SSDD.... well maybe theres one thing?! my lovely new car that i have now possesed for 1 week.i wont go on too much about it. just that i feel very special. Hahahahaahahaha.....


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